September 1, 2010

Utah or bust!!

As many of you know we are in the middle of transitioning to the great state of Utah. We have been planning on moving out there for a little while. Our plan was to transition slowly and methodically after Laura's mom retired and eventually sold her home. That plan originally had a 3-5 year time frame on it. Well, it's been 2 years and Sue's home is now in escrow. We knew it would happen, but we had no idea it would happen this fast. Needless to say this has thrust us into a frenzy that we are slowly coming to terms with. Laura and I flew to Utah last week to look for our new home. With divine help and an awesome sister that put us up for the quick two night stay, we were able to find a great home in Utah county that will be perfect for Sue and us. We are excited to move and look forward to all the new experiences we will have and friends and family we will be able to see. We are sad to leave Northern California as we have made some great friendships and enjoyed every minute of being close to grandma. The idea of moving to Utah is also something we are still getting used to. Laura and I are both from Southern California and have never lived in the snow or been away from the beach for very long (with the exception of the last 2 years.)

April 22, 2010

Beautiful Chico, CA

Once a week for the past 6 weeks my buddy Blake and I have been going to work early and leaving early to go on hikes in Upper Bidwell Park. Upper Bidwell has some of the most beautiful views and trails and we've really been enjoying it. It's a great way to break out and get some fresh air for a couple hours a week. Blake has brought his phone and taken some pics and videos that I think do a good job of sharing what we get to see every week. Enjoy!!